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Product Exposure

As every brand, product and target audience is different, we approach potential clients with an open mind. Rowntrees’ objective was to increase exposure of their Randoms brand amongst a millennial audience in a festival environment, whilst celebra...

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A Perfect Festival Fit

The timing was perfect for Victorious Festival, based in Portsmouth over the August Bank holiday. A popular festival with a high millennial audience, a perfect fit for the product; who doesn’t love sweets? The sampling activity focussed on the key...

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With an enthusiastic sampling team, an array of fancy dress and a target of 60,000 sampling packs to hand out over 3 days, we hit the ground running. Location was key and we were in the perfect spot to maximise on...

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Nestle Randoms
Nestle Randoms
Nestle Randoms
Nestle Randoms
Nestle Randoms
Nestle Randoms
Nestle Randoms
Nestle Randoms Brand
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